Angela Ardolino
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Celebrate National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month so this month we encourage you to follow the rainbow with your kids to eat right with color!

Make eating fun and nutritious for the whole family! Have your kids create their own rainbow on their plate offering them nutritious options they will feel good about picking for themselves.

Red: strawberries (It is strawberry season after all!), tomatoes, apples, pomegranate…

Orange: yams, oranges, cheese, cantaloupe, mangos…

Yellow: squash, bananas, lemons…

Green: spinach, cucumbers, broccoli, green beans…

Blue/Violet: Blueberries, eggplant … 

Fun Idea: Having a hard time with getting the real food into your kids' bellies? Try cutting or arranging the meal into a shape. For example cut the sandwiches into stars, arrange meat and cheese, veggies or fruit so it looks like a flower, or a smilie face on the plate. Play with color and let your kids choose between a different color snack each day i.e. today is orange day so choose from a serving of cheese, goldfish crackers or orange slices. Getting your kids involved with the food they eat will encourage them to try new things. Food can be a fun way to learn and stay creative and healthy! 

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