Angela Ardolino










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Pinellas Power Lunch April 6: Market Your Excellence 

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get paid to do what you love?  As a female entrepreneur, Angela Ardolino has made that dream a reality. She's turned Tampa Bay Parenting  Magazine into a household name and can be seen weekly on ABC Action News. Angela's determination and success has elevated her as one of the top female business leaders in the Bay Area. Come hear her story and learn how to Market Your Excellence at our April Power Lunch at the Clearwater Carrabba’s.  

The event starts at 11am. Speaker begins at 11:30am. Food is served at Noon. You'll have the choice from 3 menu items plus soup or salad. Soda or Iced Tea is also included. Spaces are limited for this event, so registering online is a must!

More information and online registration: Pinellas Power Lunch: Market Your Excellence

  • $50 credit with WWOTB to pay for events. Members-Only Rewards Program.

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